Lets start from an important and great news, as all of you must be aware that we are very close to reaching 2000 members and 2 months online, This is as perfect as I always expected it to be. There are 2 more representatives of Union of FACT from African regions, and it makes total of 9 representatives for us around the globe. Check our our representatives page for further information:
As promised earlier, we have integrated a simple calculator in those 3 plans boxes. I am sure this will be a helpful addition for most of investors. Simply click on "Calculate" button on any of the plan and enter amount that you are willing to invest. So now what's next? We are thinking about adding Paid-to-promote feature but we haven't concluded anything yet therefore we are open for your suggestions.
Also as most of you have noticed, HYIPExplorer.com finally withdrew from his account and changed our status to PAYING ;) This is of course a new addition in list of our monitors and it was added after receiving several recommendations from our members. We have now over 27 well known and less known monitors and over 9 reviews published by different blogs in different languages.
You can also expect an interview with Money-News-Online soon! That's all for now!
Regards, - Amelia (Administrator) / Union of FACT. www.factunion.com
Disclaimer: We don't promote or endorse any HYIP programs/projects listed here.
The materials and information provided by HYIPexplorer are for your general information purposes only. Some programs/investments/games may be illegal depending on your country's laws. Do not spend what you can not afford to lose!