1day-red-hyip invest in stock BIG SCAM. Withdraw requested after 48 hrs still do not get pay.
hourlyearning After transfer deposit. Stop you from enter website. Can't contact them. Big SCAM.
andy ==
www.cofund.net I made invest for 160 % an hour directly to my egold account but more than a almost 2 hours i don't have any respond, neither in email. i'm so dissappointed, pls blacklist this sites and investigate them
Roni Lahandaya ==
EuroGoldTrust - egtinvest.com They are number one scammers. They do not ask for the e-mail and once you invest from their site they do no show any confirmation that the transaction ever happened. And when you e-mail them with any queries related to the deposits, you won't get any reply. I e-mailed them several times with no luck. I don't want other to loose their money with those dirty scammers.
Srikanth Bairi ==
all those are scamers take people's money and run away hyip.us.com..scam public-investion.com ...scam palmasprofit.com ...scam fig-company.com
wing ==
bexabrokers.com These guys are the same as 800daily.com. the scam is, you fund your account and when you discover that no money has been tranferred, then email support.....all they do is send an email saying that you have to download the link they send, decompress it, then execute it. Of course, it's a dummy link or false program and in the meantime they make off with all your money. I just want to notify every HYIP monitoring site I can so that other potential investors don't get scammed.
Jay ==
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