Dear investors, as you can see we have finished updating main page of our website. As promised phone support has been added, so you can easly ask your questions via phone # +44-20-0222-7295 and get quick answers for your questions. At the moment its available only on English language but in near future there will be more languages added. I am already working on this issue. Please note that phone support available only on business days.
I am sure that all of you already saw weekly special box on a KlickWallet main page. Well, I am pleased to announce that from today we will run weekly specials. Every week we will have a new weekly special and I am sure that they will give you a great opportunity to earn more with us. First weekly special will be AlertPay week. Deposit atleast $500 via AlertPay and recieve 10% bonus on your deposit. AlertPay payments are instant now, dont miss it.
We also added MaxiVote system to KlickWallet website. Dear members, if you have a free minute and you are happy with a service we provide please vote for us, its easy! Just click on MaxiVote button on our website, fill the form and you will leave your vote on all monitors we use. Thank you.
By the way we have reached an agreement with Money-News-Online admin Paul about live conference in MNO chat witch will be held this on Wednesday 21.00 hours GMT (London time). If you have a questions you are all welcome to participate. There will be also a prizes during live conference so dont miss it. I am sure we will have a lot of interesting discussions and you all will enjoy it. Please note that if you want to participate, you will have to register and your account must be approved before an interview. You will have a chance to register and join our discussion during interview as well, but earlier you will do this the better it will be for everyone. Guests can only view messages but will not be able to leave them.
Recently I received some questions from investors like can they invite people who live with them at the same house and use the same computer to join KlickWallet? Well, yes we allow this as long as you e-mail us with details.
I've been very busy with KlickWallet but it's been very nice to be with you. I still have many things to implement on the program and it will be the best program this year in HYIP industry, believe me. Today I have found out that in just 25 days online we have already reached a 4th spot at Money-News-Online. Its really great achievement. I appreciate the continued support from most of you, thanks so much for being a part of this project, you are all being gifted. All payments has been processed as usual and thats all for today. I wish you all a great upcoming week, enjoy your lives, you know you can do it.
Best regards, Andrew Bridge KlickWallet admin
Disclaimer: We don't promote or endorse any HYIP programs/projects listed here.
The materials and information provided by HYIPexplorer are for your general information purposes only. Some programs/investments/games may be illegal depending on your country's laws. Do not spend what you can not afford to lose!