Someone is extorting us by threatening BAD/FAKE VOTE posting.
News of Fund String Inc.
May 27, 2009 11:46:48
Dear value investors and monitor admins,
Someone is extorting us by threatening BAD/FAKE VOTE posting. We would like to request monitor admins to help to investigate each BAD/FAKE VOTE on your monitor.
Forwarded please find the original threatening email.
Fund String Inc. Support request from Monday 25th 2009f May 2009 12:35:16 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, i am reddevilhyip007 Pay 50$ with Liberty Reserve account : U1698256 For Stop Vote scam every monitor If you do not follow. We will post scam on forum and vote scam every monitor Sincerely reddevilhyip007 --------------------------------------------------------------- User Additional Info : User Name : reddevilhyip007 E-Mail : Not Registered/Logged user IP Address: Language : th =====================================================
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