We would like to remind everyone to use our Support Center at http://support.loyaltychecks.com This way you can keep a better record of your personal support issues with our program and it serves for better monitoring for our representatives Carole and Mark. This is the only place where your support issues will be answered in a timely manner. Answering an email will take more time than answering a support ticket at the Support Center.
On operational level, we have expanded our monitoring network with few new sites and we would like to point that when you make a Bitcoin deposit pay attention to the amount you are sending. If you send different amount than the one required from the system the automation script will not read it and thus you will have to contact us.
Disclaimer: We don't promote or endorse any HYIP programs/projects listed here.
The materials and information provided by HYIPexplorer are for your general information purposes only. Some programs/investments/games may be illegal depending on your country's laws. Do not spend what you can not afford to lose!