5% Bonus on Deposit between 14-02-2013 to 24-02-2013
News of White Money
Feb 15, 2013 16:43:06
White Money is a private investment club. We have been trading Forex for well over 7 years now and developed many Forex robots which we use for automatic trading. We have multiple set ups for varies marketing conditions. We also trade manually when we find good opportunities. Because these days we are earning huge profit from our offline and online investor money, So only for next 10 days we decide to give some extra profit via bonus system. For next 10 Days (14-02-2013 to 24-02-2013), we are going to give extra 8% on new deposit, which will plus with your investment amount. For example if you deposit $100, with bonus your deposit will be $108. So instead of $100, your principle amount will be $108, Actually this is double profit because you will also earn 2.2% profit per days on your bonus amount and after 10 Days you can cash out your bonus amount with your principle amount.
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