Name Start Programs Hits FF1 Time % Today Months
EuroNano Nov-09 3 20052 140 140 1.40% 15-May-10 6
This is the information that I have in my records.
Some examples of HYIPs with 3 programs
Name Start Programs Hits FF1 Time % Today Months
Ameriland Feb-10 3 42803 599 200 1.40% 15-May-10 3
avazzy.comNov-09 3 191261 956 180 1.00% 15-May-10 6
CherrysharesNov-07 3 50464 50 250 1.00% 15-May-10 30
Day barter Dec-09 3 186997 2805 60 2.50% 15-May-10 5
Diamond Trade Aug-053 5119 3 220 1.00% 15-May-10 57
Dubai MarketFeb-10 3 832246 4161 180 0.50% 15-May-10 3
EocotradeDec-09 3 195193 1288 100 1.10% 15-May-10 5
EuroNano Nov-09 3 20052 140 140 1.40% 15-May-10 6
Exceptional Jan-10 3 279448 3563 60 1.70% 15-May-10 4
Extra returnOct-08 3 20242 80 10 2.50% 15-May-10 19
Finance NoSep-09 3 32597 263 365 2.15% 15-May-10 8
Finanzas forexMar-073 16196 13 180 1.00% 15-May-10 38
ForexmacroJul-07 3 11999 11 180 1.00% 15-May-10 34
ForexNetClubDec-083 25950 46 35 1.00% 15-May-10 17
Future trailsAug-093 244150 4452 30 5.47% 15-May-10 9
If the factor FF1 is lower tahtn 1000 means Red , sone ( do not invest).
some examples
extra return: Scam with 20242 and FF1 80
Nanomoney: Scam with 11538 and FF1 9
Forex macro: Scam with 11999 and FF1 11
Example of hyp with 3 programs and not scam yet.
Future Trails: alexa 244150, Factor 4452 .
Just to clarify: I am not promoting future trails it is just and example.
FF1 is a combination of alexa,cubestat,programs, interest rates, time for investment and LUCK
Euronano shows shows 140 and , Alexa 20052 ( today).