Update from admin.....
Dear members
I have reached a critical level with the program script what is insufficient to work on a level I want to work on and are limited in functions I want the program to offer you as the user.
Last 5 days has been a hell administrate the payments as the script simply can not handle that many transaction posts in a way easy to systemize without continually errors. It put a limit at our grown and will destroy a great program if nothing is done.
I therefore have to act right away and solve the script problem so we can continue this great program and you can continue earn money.
The best solution I found is to close for new deposits and pay you back your principal on all active deposits you have. All payments will be done within a couple of days. I already ordered a transaction back to Libertyreserve to cover these posts.
Next step will be to order a new script, able to handle those functions I find needed for the program, like account balance so you don’t have to withdraw every time. Compounding so you can build up your level just to mention a few. Also I will request a custom made admin area to make administration easy to manage. I now know my exact needs after running this since 28th of January.
I will need somewhere around 8 weeks to get the script done and as the summer is closing in, the most logical decision will be to launch the program after summer 1st of August. It seems like a long time, but it makes absolutely no sense to start in a low season, then better start when people is coming back and get a fantastic start.
The site will be online at all time, open for new members to sign up. This way you can still build up your referral list for the grand opening.
So one more time, let me point out how this affect you.
Will get the principal pack on all active deposit made so you have no loss. It will not affect ANY of your earlier deposit and profit from these.
As I paid for the service and still want you to monitoring the program I find it most logical to freeze the active deposit and extend the time of active days so we can continue as before, with start on 1st of august. I will ask if you please let my status put to WAITING until you receive payments again. If you do not wish to continue with my listing, please notify me and I will pay you out like the private members and remove you from my voting page.
Somehow I find it very exiting to prelaunch this way with an even greater program and it is also very satisfying show to all that I am able to pay out every cent with profit all the way. I’m wondering how many other programs really are real and able to do that.
I hope you will support me in my decision and can see the better in the programs future by doing so.
You can at any time contact me directly on my * if you have any questions or want to know more about the program.
Thank you for your support to the program.
Until next time,
Peter H Brägger
Admin FundeXpress