New ways to earn money
There is a new betting website for all people. If you don't have the money, the website will give 0.1$ for you to try your luck,
when you win, you can withdraw money.
Here it is: *
website accept LR and WMZ.
But if you have more than LR, it is extremely compelling entertainment
After you complete registration, please log in You will see "Free money". Click on it. Wait a bit (at least 8 hours). And you will have 0.1$. Betting or playing your game, you just won 0.11$. Then make withdrawals and reg new accounts.
good luck
Well, this is a football betting website. and games. When you do not have money, you can click on "Free Money" to get $ 0.1. You use that money to play, when you win, you can withdraw money. Web sites that accept LR. try.
Last edited by zionidan; 08-31-2010 at 09:58 AM.