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How To Create and Fund E-gold

Published: Jun 5, 2006
Article Rated: 4.88
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How to Start an E-gold Account

The internet has paved the way for the proliferation of other modes of payment. Not too long ago we use to pay all our bills with paper money, but now we can do all our transactions via the internet. The internet has revolutionized the banking system so much. Now we can pay our bills with the click of our mouse through online bill payments, and we can transfer our funds anytime without going to the bank through online banking. Electronic money has also been more popular nowadays and is slowly being integrated into the system of the financial services. One of the electronic money is e-gold.

What is e-gold?

E-gold is by far the most convenient system as well as the most effective means of doing international electronic settlements. This is the reason why it is the choice of high yield investment programs (HYIP). The ability of the e-gold to allow the users to send and withdraw money immediately makes it the top choice of those involved in HYIP. Best of all, creating an e-gold account is completely free.
On the other hand, most of HYIPs accept funds via e-gold from the investors which makes it mandatory to create an account in e-gold before you can start your transactions in HYIPs.

What do you need to do to create an e-gold account?

1. Go to the website of e-gold at
2. You can set up your account at the website by clicking on the new account button.
3. Click on the button signifying that you accept the User Agreements.
4. Once you have accepted the User Agreement, you will be taken in to the Account Details form. Fill out the form completely.
The following are the information that you need to fill out:
Account name: The account name is created by the use. It is a requirement to have an account name as this is your ID. There is an optional feature to add a description.
User name: Encode your username here or the name that you want to appear in your account. You may place your real name or an alias. Again it is optional to place a description but it is recommended that you make one.

Contact information: There are specific fields for your name, your address including your home address, city, state/province and country, the email address where correspondences will be sent, contact numbers, and your alternate passphrase. The alternate passphrase is an additional security measure that allows you to confirm the payments that your e-gold account will release. Your passphrase should have 10 characters containing a combination of letters and numbers. Use the SRK when encoding your passphrase.
Password: A password is needed for you to use your e-gold. The security measures of the passphrase also apply to the creation of a password. Your password for your new e-gold account has to be entered twice so the system can check for misspellings.
Turing Number: Copy the turing number in the space provided for. E-gold uses a turing number to protect it from bots and to ensure that the user is a legitimate one.
5. An email confirmation will be send to the email address that you have provided.

How do I fund my e-gold?

E-gold is funded by using digital currencies only. Currencies that need to be converted to e-gold go through the digital gold currency exchangers that converts currencies to e-metal that funds e-gold. However, you need to be picky on your digital currency exchanger. Choose one exchangers that are reliable such as: goldex, icegold or London gold exchange.

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