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Updated: Jun 9, 2022
Article Rated: 7.13
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The term doubler is notorious in the investment field. This concept is one of the most popular schemes, almost gambling-like. The scheme can also be compared to the MLM. The whole model rans basically while other people are joining. When the stream ends, the doubler also collapses very quickly.

How does it work? A plain mechanism, based on the new arrives of people. When someone joins, they are required to pay a fixed amount of money. Then the key is in patience - the amount you have paid will be doubled only after a certain amount of new members join. Plus, you as a member get your personalised referral link. For every new member that arrives using your link you also get paid a commission amount. The more people you successfully invite, the bigger amount you will get in commissions.

The system is also designed very conveniently. You can top up your balance, or withdraw from it anytime, using PayPal or other common systems. The process is completely user-friendly and automatic, so no administrative confirmation is needed. You can be a full ruler of your balance anytime and any way you want.

Also, if you want to gain more, there are other options of increasing your income. Investors can also purchase more positions in the scheme, paying not one fixed amount, but two, three, or more. That way all of the entries will double after enough members join. Further, you can select the option of automatic re-entering. That means that when the cycle of a doubler scheme ends, and the payments are settled, you can automatically join the next cycle. The fixed amount will be taken away from your total balance. That helps you to engage in another cycle from the beginning and earn faster.

As you see, the mechanism is easy and understandable. The collapse only happens when there are no more new members, or their number lowers. That's why in the doubler schemes only the people who joined at the very beginning can actually earn something.

Why Are Doublers Dangerous?

People who are not newbies in the investing world, as well as many modern internet marketers, are aware of the doublers and their operating. They know what risks they bring, and how dangerous it is to blindly invest all of your money in one of these.

The safest option of actually gaining something from this program is to join at the start. Not after the program had run a certain amount of time, but at the very day one. That way you will surely get the promised payback, as you will be a part of the so-called first wave. They never scam the first joiners, because after they actually double their investments, they will undoubtedly tell more people about this program. That will bring the doubler website a lot more money and investors, than they had lost on paying the first wave.

Another important thing is to withdraw your money before the collapse of the whole program. Even after you have got your first payback, of course the excitement will make you invest more and more. This is almost like some kind of gambling, where you can win a lot, but also can lose it all. Especially if you are not careful enough to watch out for the red flags.

If you feel that the program is losing its popularity, less members are joining, or the overall scheme is getting old - it is safer to withdraw your capital as soon as possible. A wise quit is better than the risky loss.

When investing in a doubler program, putting aside all of the risks and nerves connected with these schemes, you have to keep in mind the nature of this earnings. Your payback will inevitably come from other people's money. And many of them would not even get their initial payment back. A large number of people are just scammed because they join the program using the friends' or other websites' advice. And the simple ethical reasons can help you to withdraw from investing into those programs. Thousands of people can lose their money.

If you still want to risk, the best thing is to not share your experience. Wait for the payback individually, monitor the websites and other doubler programs that are just launched, and risk your own money.

Also the important thing is to know how to identify the doubler program among the investment opportunities. These programs are always run using the same scheme, and if you had once lost your money on one of those, there is a 100% guarantee that the next one will collapse the same way. The human resource is limited, and the investments surely come to an end, sooner or later. So don't assume that you have lost money because of bad luck and blindly invest into the next program. Do the research, don't join the already operating for a long time programs, avoid shady websites and remember to always be attentive.

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