AK TRADERS LTD has a headquarter in London, but since it is a global investment company, hence it’s activities go far beyond the borders of country of United Kingdom. Throughout many years our experts have been working in leading companies, trading in Forex market. However, Now we have decided to establish our own personal action team who will be getting profits for our investors and the main inspiration behind this was our burning desire to help people in those areas of life which are truly important.
Russian Federation
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Votes:639 | Trust:-1278
Join Date: Jan 2014
Nov 19, 2016 13:06:48Posted from IP: {37.146.*.*} Russian Federation
Dear investors: Our domain has been blocked and we are looking for a solution. In the next few days, we will complete the data transfer of the project. Don't worry, all data is safe. Please be patient! If you have any questions, please keep in touch with us. Support will continue to work!
Dear investors: We are bringing deposit discounts to all investors from 2025/01/15 to 2025/01/20. During this period, all users (including existing investors, potential investors, excluding monitors) will receive a 10% deposit discount. The discount will be sent to the investor's balance in ca...
During the period of 2025/01/14 - 2025/01/20, all users (including investors and potential investors) will receive a 20% deposit discount for deposits (including cash deposits and balance deposits)
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